Respect is Key - No to Bullying, No to Harassment We have no tolerance for offensive content and abusive behavior. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and sharing inappropriate content among other detrimental acts are strictly prohibited on Koala. We ask of you to report anyone engaging in such behavior and promise to look into it in a timely manner. Reported content will remain until it is reviewed. If the revision confirms the content is violating a policy, the reported user's account will immediately be terminated and their content removed.
Likewise, falsely reporting multiple times will result in the immediate termination of your account. Please refer to the How-To section at the bottom of this page to know what to do when someone is breaking the rules.
No to Impersonation After exchanging private messages with a user for an extended period, you might see the option to reveal your identity. For that to take effect, both users must agree. Any act of impersonation will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is impersonating to be someone you know, please report their account. Please refer to the How-To section for instructions on how to report an account.
No Uninvited Guests If you stumble upon an invite code that was not given to you by the host, please do not apply it to your account as that is a violation of our policy. Koala is intended to be fun and intimate with a select group of friends; joining a group to which you are not invited will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is uninvitedly using your invite code, please report the account. Instructions on how to report an account can be found at the bottom of this page.
General Rules Must be at least 13 years old to create a Koala account and use the platform If you are under the age of 13, any attempt to sign up on Koala will result in a block.
- No bullying or harassment - No sexually explicit content - No nudity - No spam - No promotion of illicit substances - No promotion of illegal activities
All accounts found violating any guideline will immediately be terminated. Likewise, all accounts found not cooperating by knowingly engaging with users who are violating guidelines and do not report them will immediately be terminated. How-To HOW TO REPORT CONTENT, BLOCK & UNBLOCK SOMEONE You can report content and block users that break the community guidelines.
Report a story
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Tap the three dots '···' on the top right of the page. 3. Enter the reason why you are reporting this story.
Report or delete a comment
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Slide the comment to the left from the right side of the screen. 3. To delete, tap 'delete' from the options that appear. You can only delete comments from your story. 4. To report, tap 'report' from the options that appear, and enter the reason why you are reporting this comment.
Block someone Blocking someone will prevent you from seeing their stories and comments as well as disable communication between you two. Likewise, the blocked user will not be able to see your stories and comments, and will not be able to communicate with you as well.
1. Open the messages page by tapping the leaf icon on the top right corner of the feed page. 2. Tap the friends icon on the top right corner. 3. Identify the user you want to block, tap their name. 4. Choose 'blocked' from the options menu that appears.
Unblock someone Unblocking someone will revert the user’s permissions to default. This means they will be able to communicate with you, see your stories, as well as comment on them. Likewise, you will be able to do the same with them.
1. Open the settings page by tapping the Koala icon on either the feed page or the messages page. 2. Tap 'Blocked' under the 'account' section (the last option). 3. Identify the user you want to unblock, tap their name. 4. Choose 'unblock' from the options menu that appears.
Appealing a Ban If you believe your account was wrongly terminated, contact us at and explain why you think the ban was a mistake. Once we receive an e-mail from you, we will immediately proceed to reviewing your account.
Respect is Key - No to Bullying, No to Harassment We have no tolerance for offensive content and abusive behavior. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and sharing inappropriate content among other detrimental acts are strictly prohibited on Koala. We ask of you to report anyone engaging in such behavior and promise to look into it in a timely manner. Reported content will remain until it is reviewed. If the revision confirms the content is violating a policy, the reported user's account will immediately be terminated and their content removed.
Likewise, falsely reporting multiple times will result in the immediate termination of your account. Please refer to the How-To section at the bottom of this page to know what to do when someone is breaking the rules.
No to Impersonation After exchanging private messages with a user for an extended period, you might see the option to reveal your identity. For that to take effect, both users must agree. Any act of impersonation will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is impersonating to be someone you know, please report their account. Please refer to the How-To section for instructions on how to report an account.
No Uninvited Guests If you stumble upon an invite code that was not given to you by the host, please do not apply it to your account as that is a violation of our policy. Koala is intended to be fun and intimate with a select group of friends; joining a group to which you are not invited will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is uninvitedly using your invite code, please report the account. Instructions on how to report an account can be found at the bottom of this page.
General Rules Must be at least 13 years old to create a Koala account and use the platform If you are under the age of 13, any attempt to sign up on Koala will result in a block.
- No bullying or harassment - No sexually explicit content - No nudity - No spam - No promotion of illicit substances - No promotion of illegal activities
All accounts found violating any guideline will immediately be terminated. Likewise, all accounts found not cooperating by knowingly engaging with users who are violating guidelines and do not report them will immediately be terminated. How-To HOW TO REPORT CONTENT, BLOCK & UNBLOCK SOMEONE You can report content and block users that break the community guidelines.
Report a story
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Tap the three dots '···' on the top right of the page. 3. Enter the reason why you are reporting this story..
Report or delete a comment
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Slide the comment to the left from the right side of the screen. 3. To delete, tap 'delete' from the options that appear. You can only delete comments from your story. 4. To report, tap 'report' from the options that appear, and enter the reason why you are reporting this comment.
Block someone Blocking someone will prevent you from seeing their stories and comments as well as disable communication between you two. Likewise, the blocked user will not be able to see your stories and comments, and will not be able to communicate with you as well.
1. Open the messages page by tapping the leaf icon on the top right corner of the feed page. 2. Tap the friends icon on the top right corner. 3. Identify the user you want to block, tap their name. 4. Choose 'blocked' from the options menu that appears.
Unblock someone Unblocking someone will revert the user’s permissions to default. This means they will be able to communicate with you, see your stories, as well as comment on them. Likewise, you will be able to do the same with them.
1. Open the settings page by tapping the Koala icon on either the feed page or the messages page. 2. Tap 'Blocked' under the 'account' section (the last option). 3. Identify the user you want to unblock, tap their name. 4. Choose 'unblock' from the options menu that appears.
Appealing a Ban If you believe your account was wrongly terminated, contact us at and explain why you think the ban was a mistake. Once we receive an e-mail from you, we will immediately proceed to reviewing your account.
Respect is Key - No to Bullying, No to Harassment We have no tolerance for offensive content and abusive behavior. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and sharing inappropriate content among other detrimental acts are strictly prohibited on Koala. We ask of you to report anyone engaging in such behavior and promise to look into it in a timely manner. Reported content will remain until it is reviewed. If the revision confirms the content is violating a policy, the reported user's account will immediately be terminated and their content removed.
Likewise, falsely reporting multiple times will result in the immediate termination of your account. Please refer to the How-To section at the bottom of this page to know what to do when someone is breaking the rules.
No to Impersonation After exchanging private messages with a user for an extended period, you might see the option to reveal your identity. For that to take effect, both users must agree. Any act of impersonation will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is impersonating to be someone you know, please report their account. Please refer to the How-To section for instructions on how to report an account.
No Uninvited Guests If you stumble upon an invite code that was not given to you by the host, please do not apply it to your account as that is a violation of our policy. Koala is intended to be fun and intimate with a select group of friends; joining a group to which you are not invited will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is uninvitedly using your invite code, please report the account. Instructions on how to report an account can be found at the bottom of this page.
General Rules Must be at least 13 years old to create a Koala account and use the platform If you are under the age of 13, any attempt to sign up on Koala will result in a block.
- No bullying or harassment - No sexually explicit content - No nudity - No spam - No promotion of illicit substances - No promotion of illegal activities
All accounts found violating any guideline will immediately be terminated. Likewise, all accounts found not cooperating by knowingly engaging with users who are violating guidelines and do not report them will immediately be terminated. How-To HOW TO REPORT CONTENT, BLOCK & UNBLOCK SOMEONE You can report content and block users that break the community guidelines.
Report a story
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Tap the three dots '···' on the top right of the page. 3. Enter the reason why you are reporting this story.
Report or delete a comment
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Slide the comment to the left from the right side of the screen. 3. To delete, tap 'delete' from the options that appear. You can only delete comments from your story. 4. To report, tap 'report' from the options that appear, and enter the reason why you are reporting this comment.
Block someone Blocking someone will prevent you from seeing their stories and comments as well as disable communication between you two. Likewise, the blocked user will not be able to see your stories and comments, and will not be able to communicate with you as well.
1. Open the messages page by tapping the leaf icon on the top right corner of the feed page. 2. Tap the friends icon on the top right corner. 3. Identify the user you want to block, tap their name. 4. Choose 'blocked' from the options menu that appears.
Unblock someone Unblocking someone will revert the user’s permissions to default. This means they will be able to communicate with you, see your stories, as well as comment on them. Likewise, you will be able to do the same with them.
1. Open the settings page by tapping the Koala icon on either the feed page or the messages page. 2. Tap 'Blocked' under the 'account' section (the last option). 3. Identify the user you want to unblock, tap their name. 4. Choose 'unblock' from the options menu that appears.
Appealing a Ban If you believe your account was wrongly terminated, contact us at and explain why you think the ban was a mistake. Once we receive an e-mail from you, we will immediately proceed to reviewing your account.
Respect is Key - No to Bullying, No to Harassment We have no tolerance for offensive content and abusive behavior. Bullying, harassment, discrimination and sharing inappropriate content among other detrimental acts are strictly prohibited on Koala. We ask of you to report anyone engaging in such behavior and promise to look into it in a timely manner. Reported content will remain until it is reviewed. If the revision confirms the content is violating a policy, the reported user's account will immediately be terminated and their content removed.
Likewise, falsely reporting multiple times will result in the immediate termination of your account. Please refer to the How-To section at the bottom of this page to know what to do when someone is breaking the rules.
No to Impersonation After exchanging private messages with a user for an extended period, you might see the option to reveal your identity. For that to take effect, both users must agree. Any act of impersonation will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is impersonating to be someone you know, please report their account. Please refer to the How-To section for instructions on how to report an account.
No Uninvited Guests If you stumble upon an invite code that was not given to you by the host, please do not apply it to your account as that is a violation of our policy. Koala is intended to be fun and intimate with a select group of friends; joining a group to which you are not invited will result in the immediate termination of your account. If you believe someone is uninvitedly using your invite code, please report the account. Instructions on how to report an account can be found at the bottom of this page.
General Rules Must be at least 13 years old to create a Koala account and use the platform If you are under the age of 13, any attempt to sign up on Koala will result in a block.
- No bullying or harassment - No sexually explicit content - No nudity - No spam - No promotion of illicit substances - No promotion of illegal activities
All accounts found violating any guideline will immediately be terminated. Likewise, all accounts found not cooperating by knowingly engaging with users who are violating guidelines and do not report them will immediately be terminated. How-To HOW TO REPORT CONTENT, BLOCK & UNBLOCK SOMEONE You can report content and block users that break the community guidelines.
Report a story
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Tap the three dots '···' on the top right of the page. 3. Enter the reason why you are reporting this story.
Report or delete a comment
1. Open the story from the feed page. 2. Slide the comment to the left from the right side of the screen. 3. To delete, tap 'delete' from the options that appear. You can only delete comments from your story. 4. To report, tap 'report' from the options that appear, and enter the reason why you are reporting this comment.
Block someone Blocking someone will prevent you from seeing their stories and comments as well as disable communication between you two. Likewise, the blocked user will not be able to see your stories and comments, and will not be able to communicate with you as well.
1. Open the messages page by tapping the leaf icon on the top right corner of the feed page. 2. Tap the friends icon on the top right corner. 3. Identify the user you want to block, tap their name. 4. Choose 'blocked' from the options menu that appears.
Unblock someone Unblocking someone will revert the user’s permissions to default. This means they will be able to communicate with you, see your stories, as well as comment on them. Likewise, you will be able to do the same with them.
1. Open the settings page by tapping the Koala icon on either the feed page or the messages page. 2. Tap 'Blocked' under the 'account' section (the last option). 3. Identify the user you want to unblock, tap their name. 4. Choose 'unblock' from the options menu that appears.
Appealing a Ban If you believe your account was wrongly terminated, contact us at and explain why you think the ban was a mistake. Once we receive an e-mail from you, we will immediately proceed to reviewing your account.